Skylens Receiver Network

Product highlights
Networked multi-purpose e-Conspicuity receiver system
Wideband, concurrent multi-frequency reception
FLARM and ADS-L supported
Software-defined radios with high sensitivity and range
Scales from a single receiver to thousands of receivers
Secure communication using industry standards (MQTT, TLS)
Low latency
Easy software upgrades through docker and dpkg
Private or public networks supported
A SkyLens deployment consists of several receiver nodes (SkyLens Node) and a server (SkyLens Server). Every node connects to the server over a bandwidth-efficient protocol based on MQTT. Secure encryption is available using TLS, including authentication using certificates. SkyLens Node runs standard on a Raspberry Pi 4 for which a complete SD card image is available. Installation on other single-board computers is possible via the dpkg installation mechanism.
SkyLens Server receives and consolidates the data stream from various receiver nodes. Since it is possible for aircraft to use more than one e-Conspicuity system, SkyLens Server merges the different data sources and removes duplicate signals. Clients can subscribe to easy-to-parse JSON streams to consume the resulting data. Installation and updates are simple: SkyLens Server is delivered as a Docker image and can thus run on many platforms. SaaS / Cloud deployments are also available.
SkyLens Node uses one processor core per e-Conspicuity system it is concurrently receiving. Unused processor cores can be assigned to other tasks, such as ADS-B 1090 reception (requires an additional SDR).

SkyLens node
Minimum hardware
Raspberry Pi 4 or equivalent
Operating system
Installation methods
SD card image or Dpkg
SDR (recommended)
Nooelec NESDR SMArTee v2 SDR
Frequency bands
868.0 .. 870.0 MHz (Europe)
902.0 … 928.0 MHz (USA)
1090 MHz ADS-B (optional, requires additional SDR) -
Ethernet or WLAN
ProtocolsMQTT, NTP
Text file on SD card
TLS, certificates
SkyLens server
Installation method
Docker image
Operating systemLinux
MQTT: TCP or websocket
Text file on the Docker host
TLS, individual login data record per node