For all requirements a suitable FLARM solution
Customised integration
All aircraft are important for safety in aviation, from drones to helicopters. Our ambition is therefore to be able to offer FLARM solutions for all sectors of aviation. Our integration products allow you to integrate FLARM technology into your product and thus offer a customised solution. Compatibility with the FLARM network is automatically guaranteed at all times.

Atom System-on-Chip – Maximum miniaturisation
PowerFLARM OEM modules – Maximum safety
The complete solution for demanding applications in manned aviation: Consisting of three modules, PowerFLARM OEM can be customised to meet any requirement. With radio diversity, you achieve maximum coverage in every direction. ADS-B reception (1090 MHz) and ADS-L transmission are optionally available for entry into U-Space. Separate databases can be installed to warn of static obstacles such as cable cars and power cables.

Horizon XC – Maximum adventure
Horizon XC combines two radio systems: FLARM and FANET. This makes it the ideal solution for instruments for paragliders and deltas. The tiny size and the option of using obstacle databases complete the range.
libFLARM – Maximum freedom
Do you already have a radio system in your product and want to connect it to the FLARM network? Then libFLARM is the right product for you: Completely abstracted from hardware, this library allows you to integrate the FLARM protocol stack on your hardware.

SkyLens Receiver Network – Maximum range
SkyLens is ideal for infrastructure projects with ground receivers for FLARM and ADS-L: Based on cost-effective standard hardware, SkyLens allows you to build a network of receivers to cover larger areas. A modern architecture based on MQTT and TLS ensures the necessary security.