Atom UAV
The Detect & Avoid Solution for Drones

To safely integrate drones into airspace shared with manned aviation is a demanding challenge for the industry. Atom UAV is a comprehensive, fully-featured FLARM system in a tiny package, providing detect & avoid with more than 60,000 manned aircraft. Atom UAV combines a FLARM radio transceiver, an ADS-B receiver, and a Wi‑Fi transmitter for Remote ID, supporting all relevant standards mandated in the USA, Europe, and France.
How does the solution work?
On MAVLink-based systems such as ArduPilot or PX4, Atom UAV delivers HEARTBEAT and VEHICLE_ADSB messages. It further implements the configuration interface via the PARAM_REQUEST_xxx mechanism. Systems supporting the GPS_RAW_INT and SYSTEM_TIME messages can override the built-in GNSS receiver and inject the navigation solution.
The Atom UAV package contains all the necessary cables and antennas to get you started.

Product highlights
Universal FLARM transceiver, can be used worldwide
Wi-Fi RemoteID transceiver
ADS-B (1090 MHz) receiver
Complete MAVlink (PX4, Ardupilot) integration
iOS / Android app for configuration and diagnostics
Unified data stream supporting MAVlink and JSON
OEM variant
An OEM variant of Atom UAV is available for deep integration with UAV designs, e.g. to meet the RemoteID mandates. M3 mounting holes in a 30.5 mm grid and the board-to-board connector allow for stacking with other modules or on a carrier board. The OEM variant ships without cables or antennas.
Please contact us for ordering or receiving the relevant integration documents.

- MCX 2ADS-B 1090 MHz
- MCX 3GNSS, 3,3 V supply
- USB-CMaintenance, power
- Micro-SDFAT, exFAT (optional)
OEM Version
- Dimensions50x36x8 mm (without connectors)
- Mass17 g
- EnclosureNone
- DataSamtec TFM-104-02-L-D, 8 pin female
- Mounting holes30,5 x 30,5 mm grid
- Wi-Fiu.FL connector
Standalone Version
- Dimensions54x42x16 mm (without connectors)
- Mass50 g
- EnclosureYes
- DataJST-GH 6 pin female
- Wi-FiIntegrated antenna
- InteroperabilityAll FLARM devices
- Frequency RangeEurope: 868 MHz/25 mW
USA: 902–928 MHz/100 mW - Radio Power25 or 100 mW, depending on the region
- FLARM FunctionsTraffic information
Status, heartbeat
Flight recording
Error conditions
Configuration - Remote-IDASD-STAN prEN 4709-002
ASTM F3586-22
ASTM F3411-22
Arrêté du 27 décembre 2019 définissant les caractéristiques techniques des dispositifs de signalement électronique et lumineux des aéronefs circulant sans personne à bord - GNSSGPS Galileo EGNOS, WAAS
- ADS-B ReceiverADS-B 1090 MHz
−81 to +22 dBm dynamic range
- USB-CSerial (over USB)
Power 5 VDC - DatenSerielle UART
Strom 5–28 VDC
CANbus (optional) - Serielle ProtokolleJSON
MAVLink - Wi-Fi ProtokolleJSON
GDL90 - CANbus ProtokolleCANaerospace
UAVCAN v0 - UI4 bicolor LEDs
Fact. default switch - MAVLinkTraffic information
Navigation input
Device configuration
JST-GH Pinout
- PinFunction
- 1Vin 5–28 V
- 4CANbus TX / GPIO
- 5CANbus RX / GPIO
- 6GND
TFM-104-02-L-D Pinout
- PinFunction
- 1Vin 5–28 V
- 6CANbus TX / GPIO
- 7GND
- 8CANbus RX / GPIO
- Power Supply5–28 VDC ((Data connector)
- Power ConsumptionTBD
- Operating Temperature−20 to +70 °C
- ComplianceETSI RED
FCC CFR 47 Teil 15
Buying a device?
PowerFLARM devices can be purchased from dealers and aircraft maintenance companies. You can find your nearest dealer on the list below.